Things You Might Want to Know about Claudia…
- I grew up in Kansas, Virginia, North Dakota, and Minnesota
- I started writing poetry in grade school
- I come from a family of fabulous cooks and chefs
- As a teacher, I loved going to school with my two children every single day
- Being in water seems to inspire some of my best ideas—in the pool, the tub, or the shower!
- I live in Baltimore and on the Eastern Shore with my husband

In Case You Also Wanted to Know…
Every job I’ve ever had has been with kids-lucky me! I’ve been a tennis pro, a school counselor, a therapist, and for twenty years I taught elementary school. I especially loved teaching first graders to read and write.
Now, when I’m not digging for treasure in books and libraries or writing true stories from long ago (my dream job)— I’m baking pies, kayaking, taking long walks with friends, zooming with my kids, and road tripping with my husband.